Monday, December 19, 2011

Monitor for Meaning Activities

While reading with first graders, our world consist of three questions...Does it Make Sense?  Does it Sound Right? Does it Look Right?  We teach our students to use fix up strategies to understand what they are reading.  The following activities are to provide practice for your kiddos!

Spin and Monitor  The students place the sentence playing mat onto a cookie sheet and spin a top.  When the top lands, the students read the sentence andfigure out what's wrong with it and mark it on the graph by writing the incorrect sentence in the correct area.  Afterward, choose a sentence to fix.

Roll each of the dice. Use them to create sentences on the recording form.  Circle to mark the answer of the questions to answer, Does it make sense?  Does it sound right?  Does it look right?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these ideas. I'm new to first grade, is there a professional book available that references these ideas?

