Friday, January 20, 2012

Odd and Even Patterning and Exploration

We ran a little tight on time and had to skip patterning {gasp!} but its OK, my intern and I found a way to squeeze it in while moving on with the curriculum.  She is such a smart woman....some kids {and mine as well} will be lucky to have her....her ability to know what to do is right on target!

Sooo...we decided to forgo centers for a week or two and take that time to work on patterning.  Here are some fun activities that are sure to brighten our firsties' patterning days!



  1. I love this!! I was playing the Dominate with Dice game with my Title 1 Math kids today and realized that the odd numbers were labeled even and the even numbers were labeled odd!! It would be great if I could get a copy of that with the labels fixed!! Thank you!!

  2. I would also love a copy that had the Odd and Even labels correct!! Love these activities. Thanks!

  3. Love the activities, would love one where the odd and even words are switched. The kids found it before I did. Ha ha. Thanks.

