Sometimes the Gradual Release of Responsibility takes months...but I am so glad to see the progress my little ones have made up until now. Can't wait for more!
Each partnership of students has a basket to store their materials. The materials are several copies of a couple books, PostIts, pencils, bookmarks, comprehension dice and a reading tool of their choice. They also have a fluency rubric (Fluency Rubric).
These are the reading tools. There are pointers, finger puppet pointers, glasses, microphones, chunking bookmarks, etc.
The students also have access to leveled readers and prove-it papers that are in a hanging file.
I group the students by their reading abilities. Sometimes it doesn't all work perfectly so I have some groups that are 3 students. After we have learned a strategy or reading skill, the students are given time with their partner to try it out with the book they are using. This ensures that the 90 minute reading block differentiates in various ways....during the whole group lesson and during guided reading groups/centers. The Prove-It Forms are just graphic organizers that we have used previously, but now they are showing what they know on their own. See Reading page for printables.
I also used this book to help guide me: 

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