So I didn't do all of the projects up to the caliber that the creators did, but they still came out usable. I also just used the materials that I had rather than go out and get the stuff they used. The first idea was from Remarkable Home and her handy File Folder Organizer. You will notice that her creations look polished and finished and mine are just decent. My classroom is themed Western with the colors red, blue, black and white. She used grommets and suggested sewing with a heavy duty needle. Though I have a sewing machine, I didn't have a heavy duty needle. I did have a glue gun though :) I glue the bottom of each folder into the folder beneath. I then punched 3 hole into each to connect the folders further and to keep the sides closed. It's pretty sturdy and I look forward to hanging it by my desk after the break! I think when I am back I can jazz it up with labels and western die cuts....we'll see.
Inspiration from ReMarkable Home |
My Interpretation:
Inspiration from I'm Blog Hoppin'
My Interpretation:
At our school we use a TON of PostIts, mainly because we are teaching all of our readers/students to track their thinking. I made the following for a couple of teachers and of course there is one just for me! At my student tables their is a stand up picture frame with their Kagan numbers for pairing and support, I plan to do a variation on the other side to be a PostIt holder.
Inspiration from Paper Wings
My Interpretation:
The next few projects are based off Kinder Gals ideas from their post Managing Behavior. A magnetic sign is hung by your whole group area. Anytime the students don't do the right thing you just take one magnet down, for all the magnets left the class gets points (or happy rocks). My board fits in with my Western theme (check out the ribbon, so cute).
Inspiration from Kinder Gals
My Interpretation:
The other idea I got inspiration from was their tattle monster. I decided instead to go with tattling turtle. I plan to put the tattling turtle poem next to it and also the wheel of choice (I couldn't find the link to this). The students tell the turtle their tattle and if they feel that the teacher should hear they bring over a turtle. The number of turtles left at the end of the day equals points given to the class.
Inspiration from Kinder Gals
My Interpretation:

The last two items are my ideas. First, I saw ice trays at the Dollar Tree that are ice rods. I thought they would be a great number line manipulative. I labeled the trays 1-10. I flipped two around and labeled them 11-20 in case the problems exceeded 10.
The other idea is very simple. As I was cleaning and rearranging over the holiday I had a couple containers that I thought would be a nice addition to my desk. I glued ribbon onto them and they are like new. With the addition to my PostIt holder I'm all set :)
Check out Pinterest for fabulous ideas!
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