Saturday, December 24, 2011

Picture Walk How-To and then some...

I notice all these teachers have time for cute holiday related stuff and crafts.  I work at Title One school...meaning most of my kids are way behind.  This means every minute counts!!
When I see the blogs with all the cuteness I start to wonder what kind of area they live in.
At my school we are building their schema because they don't have me I'm not complaining, I have a great job but I feel pressure!

You will notice that I don't post crafts.  I wish we were able to fit them in.  My posts are based off our curriculum needs at the time.  My main area of creativity is in my math centers because they change weekly.  My reading materials are their to support and provide organization to my fragile readers. 

This picture walk document was made as a reminder to my readers of what good readers do before they read. 

Check out my's intense.  (I run 5 to 6 reading groups a day!)
8:30- School Starts

8:35-9:15 All students are in a reading group at their level...this means most of them go to other instructors and I get different 1st graders.

9:15-10:00 Writing, we start with a mini-lesson, the students write and I meet mainly with my struggling writers (still stringing random letters together).

10-10:40 Specials, I meet with 5 kiddos that are almost reading to push their skills a little further (this was my choice).

10:40-11:15 Intervention Reading Group, out of our 5 first grade teachers 3 of us run reading groups as well as three support people in which we meet with one group Monday and Tuesday and another on Thursday and Friday.  On or above students go to the 2 other teachers for Social Studies and Science.

11:15-11:55 Lunch

11:55-1:30  90 minute reading block, we start with word work, move on to lesson, and end with centers and guided reading groups (I meet with 2-3 groups a day).

1:30-2:00  Math Centers

2-2:15 Recess

2:15-2:55 Math Lesson, some students receive another intervention at this time.

3:00 Pack up

Whew!  We don't have time to write in agendas or even color...that's why all our minutes count.  Some students are in three or four reading groups a day.

Does anyone else feel that pressure too?

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