Julie at Second Grade Style awarded me with the Versatile Blogger award. Being the nerd that I am, I looked it up. What I gather is that it is exposure to those blogs you just love....I can do that because I love so many! Thank you Julie for getting me started in honoring other great blogs!

The rules go: 1. Thank/List the person that gave you the award. 2. List 7 things about yourself. 3. Give the award to 15 newer bloggers.
So onto 7 things about me....
1. Avid reader, basically chick lit during the school year because it provides a simple escape.
2. For my Christmas gifts as a child my mother would take me to our local teaching store. Hands full of posters and goodies, I would set up my class on the back porch. Back then I created seating plans, worksheets, games....I always knew I would end up right here.
3.I have 4 brothers, 2 sisters, 2 sister-in-laws, 1 brother-in-law, 4 nephews, 3 nieces...I love having a big family that all lives in Florida.
4. I haven't had red meat for close to 15 years.
5. My dog Finley is my main man, and source of much laughter (he gets into everything when he is mad at me).
6. My first year I was First Year Teacher of the Year.
7.I am a freelance writer for an educational magazine and hope to one day write a book.
Now the blogs I am just lovin' and would like to bestow the Verstatile Blogger on...
I realize some of the blogs are not new but they are to me as I have just been in this blogging world for several months :)
1. My friend and coworker, Miss McTeacher.

2. Speech Room News, some seriously creative ideas and activities...making a game with Phineas and Ferb was genius.



Hope you enjoy their blogs as much as I do!
Thank you! :)