Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's all in the name!

My partner and I have embarked into our Summer Reading Academy with excitement.  In my excitement I forgot that we were getting little kindergarteners that will be going into first.  The beginning of the year always shocks me because I go from independent little souls to needier ones.  I like both but it's a shift in my thinking that I always forget about.  The little ones today gave us their goldfish stares when we asked them to turn and talk....obviously we need to start at square one.

To get our little goldfish enthused about word work we have decided to start with their names!  Everyone loves a little focus especially on their very own name!  So I drew up a chart with the teacher names to start and we decided to do two names a day...well that's a lot of charting!  So I whipped up a little document to laminate as not to be wasteful with paper. 

Here is the Name Game!

This was my original inspiration was from Growing Kinders.
Pinned Image


  1. I spend the first part the year celebrating one name a day. (First grade) We explore those kinds of things, but I can totally see that becoming a class book of some kind. Thanks!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I love this! I don't seem to do enough with names. Gonna keep this idea to use in August.

