Thursday, December 15, 2011

Classroom Library Organization

My fiction books are in baskets by themes.  Some are more general (stories about people), some are book series and some are more specific (stories about Moms and Dads). The labels are adhered with Velcro. The students read these books in the morning after unpacking, after finishing up work and at the end of the day.  I also allow 2 free choice books to be chosen for their book bin.
Here are my labels:  Fiction Labels
My non-fiction books are in a different colored bin.  They have the same duties as my fiction book collection.
Here are my non-fiction labels: Non-Fiction Labels

Above the fiction book area on the window ledge is the partnership book area.  The students are grouped in pairs or threesomes based off their reading level.  In the partnership numbered basket, there are comprehension cubes, story stars, fix up strategies, post-its, and their choice of books (each child gets one choice and must get enough copies for all members.)  The books come with our reading series (we use PM Rigby for guided reading groups) and I have leveled them using Guided Reading standards.

This is my guided reading group books by level.  Each level has 6 to 10 books each with 6 copies (I know, I'm lucky).  The books are PM Rigby and I highly recommend them.

 This bookshelf holds the students leveled books.  The students choose these as needed for their book bins.  I used to make the students change out every week but I have found with the increase comprehension work we are doing they just want to hold on to them longer.  If their reading level has increase then I encourage them to change them out.  Most students change out every 2 weeks.

 I have two areas for my big books.  This is my non-fiction area.  My fiction area is a full shelf and a laundry basket full.  These are selected during any free choice time.

Ok, so this looks a bit sloppy but it really is organized.  There are three bins going straight back in a deep cabinet (with a door for hiding).  I have typed out running records in each bag with a copy of the story (or 2).  They are organized by DRA/Guided Reading Levels and I have two choices for each level.  I usually do a running record on each child at least once a month.  I have a first grade chart that I keep for each child telling the goal, where they are at and whether they met the goal.  (I will post it when I get to my school computer.)

That's all I got for tonight, I will add to this tomorrow :)

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